
Bye! Here we are again with a new article Today we talk about customizations. In the world of balloons art one of the most used techniques is that of vinyl, there are various types of machinery to reproduce them, we use the Silhouette Cameo. Of course there are some aspects ...

How to assemble the Balloons
Hi 🤗 here we are again with a new article This time I would like to tell you about the assembly phase As you probably already know, we want the compositions to be as zero-impact as possible and we are committed to this front as often as we can. In...

How to be creative with numbers in balloon art
Hello here we are again with a new article Today I would like to talk to you about the numbers, they are the protagonists in most of the compositions! Mini 9 ", medium 14", maxi 40 "are the most used standard sizes. We tend to use the 14 "by 35cm...

A few words about color matching 😍
Hello, happy Monday! Today we would like to address a very important topic that many times, however, is overlooked! The color combination! Let's take this composition in the photo as an example, as you can see it has nothing particular because as a technique we are at a basic level,...

Our commitment to the environment
From the very first day of business we have always tried to offer eco-sustainable products to allow our customers to be able to celebrate 🥳 their anniversaries while keeping an eye on the environment! Today our commitment has extended beyond! In fact, we are committed to transmitting to our students...

A world of colors
Hello everyone, starting this year we have decided to include a small blog on our site, to let us know even more and to be able to keep you updated on all the upcoming news and why not on the curiosities of our sector. I am happy with this initiative...